On the stroke of midnight in October five of us including Medium Ann Marie Slavin entered The White Memorial Theatre to record this years Clonmel Podcast Halloween Special. The planning goes back to last May when I was recording a piece for the podcast on this wonderful old building, where it also came up in conversation that a ghost nicknamed "Charlie" by members of St Mary's Choral Society was known to roam the dark corridors here. So with that in mind, and getting the go ahead from the lovely people from St Mary's Choral Society it was full steam ahead.....Don't get me wrong, it certainly wasn't plain sailing, in fact at one point I was thinking it wasn't going to happen at all, even down to a few days before we were due to start recording, but thankfully it did. I had two mics, one operated by myself and the second by my wife Aine, just in case one failed, this was a one time only recording event and I really couldn't afford for anything to go wrong, even during the first opening links I halted recording to check back on the audio to see if it was there on my device. Diarmuid Vaughan and Michelle Smith from St Mary's Choral Society accompanied us as we turned off the lights and made our way around the old theatre which dates back to 1843. Medium Ann Marie Slavin told us about the spirits in the theatre, which she could see quite clearly, and one or two that had something to say to us. It was comforting to know, while the lights are off and the doors are closed, with no members of the pubic inside the building, that the spirits are in there performing for each other and having a wonderful time. Can I personally thank St Mary's Choral Society, Diarmuid Vaughan, Michelle Smith, Ann Marie Slavin and Aine Whelan, as without them this podcast wouldn't have happened.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking the link below.